SW and Comprehensive Plans
DC Comprehensive Plan
The DC Comprehensive plan is a 20-year framework that guides future growth and development. The document was originally adopted in 2006, has been amended once, and is undergoing a second set of amendments.
We read through the SW element of the Comprehensive plan and submitted our concerns and thoughts. You can read our comments here.
You can also read our one-page summary here.
If you would like to read the document yourself, you can do so here.
2015 Southwest Neighborhood Plan
The Southwest Neighborhood Plan is important to SW Action group because it espouses many of the aspirational goals that our group advocates. However, what is in the plan is seldom put into practice. Some excerpts:
"The Southwest Neighborhood Plan is a community-based strategy developed for the purpose of creating an urban design, land use, and neighborhood preservation framework to enhance parks, pedestrian and street connections, integrate community amenities, enhance transportation choices, and accommodate and guide the direction of future growth in the Southwest neighborhood."
“Southwest will remain an exemplary model of equity and inclusion - a welcoming and engaged community that celebrates and retains a mix of races, ages and income levels and enhances well-being for all amidst neighborhood growth and change."
Link to Southwest Neighborhood Plan.